Multiple Find And Replace 1.10
Free   635 KB

Multiple Find And Replace 1.10

Free Multiple Find And Replace finds and replaces batches of files
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Latest version:
1.10 See all
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Software Informer Editor Rating 5 Software Informer Virus Free award
Free   635 KB

Multiple Find And Replace is a great application that can be useful for all people who work with lots of text documents on their computers. It was developed for finding text fragments in multiple files and replacing them. The application can really save your personal time, because you don’t need to open each document and correct it manually. The program has a very simple and easy-to-use interface. First of all you should create a list of files that have to be corrected. Be very careful when creating it, because if you add binary files (like *.DOC, *.EXE, *.JPG) into the list they can be seriously damaged. The application allows you saving such file lists. This feature is very useful because you don’t have to create file lists each time and can just load it. After the list of the required files is formed you should input text fragments for finding and replacing. The replacing process doesn’t take much time. After it is finished the application gives you a detailed log file about it. Multiple Find And Replace has very low system requirements. By the way it is absolutely free.

IB Senior editor
Ilya Barmenkov
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Review summary


  • Tiny size
  • It's free


  • Doesn't work with .doc files



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